Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sherrie's Mug

4 X 4
oil on panel
The last mug shot of the year is artist Sherrie Hilliard.  I must again point out that my Hilton Head workshop-mates were great sports about having their pictures taken with their best "perp" expressions so we could paint each other's "mug shots", and that Sherrie is really quite pretty.  And thanks again to Maria Hock who faithfully sends out these photos and posts them on her blog site.  To view everyone's interpretations, visit her blog here or her Picasa gallery here.


  1. She looks great. I love her eyes...the expression and colors used. She is really very attractive and the mug shot does not do her justice...but you captured her "mug" perfectly!

  2. This is fantastic, and waaay too good to be a mug shot, Terri. Sigh!!! Happy New Year!

  3. She looks lovely! You did a great job. I love the small areas of blue peeking through.

    Happy New Year to you!

  4. Maria, Linda, and Cathy - thanks all for your comments and faithful visits! I so appreciate it! And Cathy, I used a black ground so the blue is just more color layered on. I'm trying to refine my palatte, but am still experimenting to see what draws out the topography of a face best. And besides, I just love color -the more the better at this stage!

  5. Wow I should have looked sooner! You have done great on the mugs. ...very good!
