Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Patrick O'Riordan

6 x 6
oil on Ampersand Panel

Just in time for St.Patrick's Day, here's my favorite Irishman, our very dear ,very precious friend Pat.  If you happen to be an Irish whistle (penny whistle) player, you probably already know of him.  He distinguished himself as an internationally known whistle maker and is credited on many albums as such and also has a magnificent tenor voice.  The day I met him was a miracle for me.  He was playing music at a festival with a small group of people that he brought together and simply put, I was memorized, I joined them, and they became my best friends and one of them, my husband! We've been friends and making music together now for 37 years - so far!  I'm so happy this turned out well - it will go up on my wall of "mugs" of the people in my life. 


  1. Great job Terri! Love the skin tones and the smile is spot on! love it

  2. Wow! He is glowing with expression and color! Love it. He looks like a fun guy!

    I also like the new look of your blog.

  3. What a great man. He isy favorite whistle maker and my biggest dream is to one day own a whistle by him. Gøy never know dreams come true 😊
